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Drum mowersDrum mowersLawnmowersLawnmowersLawn tractorsLawn tractorsBrushcuttersBrushcuttersMulchersMulchersMultifunctional carriersMultifunctional carriersVARI modular systemVARI modular systemPressure washersPressure washersGeneratorsGeneratorsWater pumpsWater pumpsSweeping brushesSweeping brushesWood sawsWood sawsLog splittersLog splittersEarth augers Earth augers VARI powered by EGOVARI powered by EGOVARI for childrenVARI for children
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Dear Customers,

We exclusively sell our goods to foreign countries through our representatives/importers. They are closer to you - our customers - than we are here in the production plant in Libice n.C./Czech Republic and therefore they can provide you with the best possible services. Please go to the list of our sellers/distributors and choose your country in the list. You'll get a list of importers and you can get detailed contact data. You can also check the map showing the importers in the countries where we have a representative. The importers will inform you on possibilities of purchase of VARI machines and spare parts in your country and give you other information you need. If you don't find your country in the list or there's no importer shown in the map of your country, please contact us.



If you would like to become a distributor of VARI machines, please contact us. We're looking for distributors in several countries, for example Belorussia, Bulgaria, Portugal, Russia, and others.

Our representative should work as an importer/wholesaler, keep basic stock of machines and spare parts, provide its customers (dealers and/or end customers) with services (repairs, advices, etc.) and assist with promoting our products.